Alcala Yearbook 1997

What's the Goal?

To help prepare it.s sludent.s for the future, UoD offer Communicalion otudies, En8lish, and various forei8n lan8ua8e courses o f sludy. In Communication otudies, tudent.s are prepared for many career , includin8 lhose in television, film, and journali m. The inlernship pro8ram is used as one o f the finesl me thods of inlroducin8 sludent.s into the ir re pective fie ld . "We intend to prepare you for your future. We intend for all our tudent.s lo be movie slars or really rich adverlisers," lau8hed Dr. Larry Williamson, Communication otudie pro~ or. The En81i h Departmenl nol only ca le rs to those tudent.s inte resled in focu in8 their Ludie in the 8enr of li terature, but also concerns itself with enhancin8 the literary kills o f all tudenls. Pro8ram seek to en ure lha.t all ludenls leave UoD with proficient writin8 and composilion abililie . "Our main 8oa.l i lo leach crilical readin8 and wrilin8 skill and lo provide an in-depth back8round of literature," slated Dr. fred Qobinson, En8li h Department chai r. The forei8n Lan8ua8e Department wishes lo provide sludent.s wil h a 8reale r awa reness of the ir own lan8u38e, in addilion to learnin8 another. oludyi08 anolhe r lan8ua8e allows students lo learn more about the mechanics of their own lan8UB8e. Lan8UB8e creates a 8realer ,_ultura l awareness a wel l. oludent.s can see ome of the qualilies and idiosyncrycie of their own culture by increasin8 knowled8e of their own lan8ua8e. "The of our department 80 way beyond 8ainin8 competency in a lan8ua8e. The main 8oal is lo create 8reater cul tural awareness," said Dr. Jaques Wendell, f orie8n Lan8ua8e Deparlmenl chair. By Gretchen & hneider


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