Alcala Yearbook 1997

"We're Here for the Students"

/\II rre8hrnen rnusL rneel imporlanL criLe ria Lo be accepLed inLo U0D. UndersraduaLe Admissions carerully evaluaLe8 each applicanL. p lacins a sLrons rnpha is on srade poinL averase, exLracurricular involvemenL, and 8/\T score8. /\llhoush 0/\T score8 are imporLanL, U0D puls more emphasis on a LudenL's achievements lhroushoul hish school. "Three Lhins in particular LhaL we look ror are leadership. community service, and Lhe development o f a LalenL out.side or academics. buL U1is will noL compensate for the academic record. " asserLed Joann 1-Ji&5ins Leslie, admission o fficer. Once rre hme n are enrolled. Lhey are placed in a preceploria l class. The precepLor serves as the student' advisor unlil Lhe sLudenL declares a major. This provid sLudenls wilh ind ividual suidance rishL al Lhe start of their collese career . The preceplors re advised by Dean Palrick Drinan. Dean Roser Pace, and Dean 5elsy Winte rs. "We be lieve slronsly in racully advi ins," remarked Dean Roser Pace. Academic &rvices is anothe r source of adviseme nl for U&D Ludenls. They try lo be sensitive and alert to studenls' needs by work.ins with studenls on an ind ividual case basis. The Counselins Center is open Lo any student seek.ins personal suidance. Individualized assistance to each sludenl i emphasized. "Personally. I hope LhaL Lhe Unive rsity and ils community will conlinue Lo enjoy Lhe same sood fortune Lhal ha characle rized [ils] first forty years. &D's emphaSe8 upon academic quali Ly. compute rization. mulLiculluralism. and becomins a nalional presence are particularly excilins Lo me," poinLed ouL Dr. Cynthia Villis, Dean of Academic rvice8. /\nolhe r service departmenL utilized by Ludenls i Lhe Resislrar's Office. !Ls dutie8 include resiste rins studenls. providioS Lhemwith transcripts. and updalins Lhe ir record a o rLen as necessary. "We 're he re for the sLudents," declared /\ssislanL Resistrar, 0usan Busbee.

By Grelchen

hne ide r

Pictured Above: D ean Betsy Winter

as ists a tudent with the

regi tration proce s. Pictured Ri ght: Dr. Cynthia Villi s, Dean of Academic Service


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