Alcala Yearbook 1997

The excilemenl of freshman year is behind. bul a

new excilemenl nils Lhe sophomores. Many have be8un Lo concenlrale on U1eir fulures. There are decisions lo be made, and queslions lo be an wered: Whal should I major in? Whal do I wanl Lo be? Will I be 8ood al il? Will ! like il? Will I 8raduale on Lime9 These and similar iliin8s occupy Lhe Lhou8hls of sophomores in a more inlense way Lhan ever before. 6ophomore year brin8 even closer lhe ever approachin8 dreamof 8radualion. ln Lhe midsl of lhe workload and ilie worry. sophomore year is plenly of fun. loo. Bolh on campus and olT, sludenls make Lhe mosl of U1eir Lime al U&D. Lasl years sophomore class aclivilies included sludy breaks in Aroma . a ·ceneralion Jam" wilh Lhe freshmen. "Qe&5ae Fesl· in Lhe Vislas. and much more. "The Lurn oul for Qe&5ae fesl was really 8ood and I Lhink Lhal people had a lol of fun," remarked sophomore senalor Jami Pollard. ··1L was a 8real way for Lhe sophomores Lo 8el Lo know each olher." oophomore year also offers a chance Lo cemenl sl ron8 friendshi ps. o lo~c r Lhe arrxious freshmen of Orienlalion Week, sophomores have be8un Lo rind lheir niche and develop lon8 laslin8 relalionshi ps. ''This year has really brou8hl me closer Lo Lhe people I'm around," col1l.lilenled Mara Lin8es. "I've man88ed Lo build acquainlances inlo laslin8 friendships."


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