Alcala Yearbook 1995

OLD TRADITIONS DIE HARD community without ,1 tr,1di– tion \Vouki lw like ,rn indi– vidu,1I without memory . And like memory in ,111 indi– vidual, tr,1dition hdps,1 com– munity to grow ,ind ,1ssimi– l.lte new experience in tl \N,lY which presen'L'S it's fund,1ment,1I intl'grity .ind idl'ntity." - Thom,1s I'. R,1ish , SJ

In the fin ,1I bdon' Presicknt Hughes· rdirL:nwnt ,ind the install– ment of ,l Ill'\\' presidL•nt, the whole USO community is forced to t,1ke ,1 close look ,it both it's tr,1ditions .ind it's futurL'. Likl' I'. R,rnsh s,1vs, tlwre ,ire ,1lw,1vs those tr,1di – tit;ns th,1t won't die-,rnd th,1t USD will hold de,u in it's lw,irt hirc\-er. The lmm,icul,1t,1, tlw crest, ,rnd till' st,1nd,1rdsof ,ic.idemicexcl'lkncc ,ire some of thL'SL' tr,1ditions . E\'en thoug h USD is on tlw brink of m,rny ch,rnges, tlwse ,ind many other tr,1 - ditions \Viii be tlw found,1tion which till' school will grow from . Wh,1t – e\'er ch,rnges tlw futun' m,1y hold , USD is biL'SSL'd with students, f,ic– ulty, ,ind st,1ff possL'Ssing till' wis– dom ,rnd initi.iti\'e to k,1d tlwschool to ,rn even higher level of L;xcelknce in tlw upcoming yec1rs. As we look the futun' promises many ch,rnges, yet no m.ittl'r wh,1t h,1p– pens our found,1tions will remain strong because - Old Tr,1ditions Die H,ud .

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