Alcala Yearbook 1995

Dearest Shannon, As you graduate from USD and continue on your journey of life, we want t o express our happiness for you and to let you know how very proud you've madeyourfamily. Your hard work and many accomplishments through-out these past four years have made you a very loving, car–

Congratulations, Mommy! I'm proud of you. Now, can I play with my computer? Love, Andrew

ing and responsible young woman. We wish you the BEST for a wonderful and BRIGHTfuture and may your journey continue to be a HAPPY and prosperous one. All our LOVE and BEST WISHES, always ... Dad, Mom, & Dusty Jo


Look at what you love to do. Look at what brings you joy. Look at what gives you peace. There is your calling, waiting for you to embrace it.

Continue to grow, knowing you will always have our love and support.

Dear Todd: You're a very special member of our family. We're so proud of your accomplishments and hard work. Our love goes with you as you move on to a bright future. Love, Mom, Dad, Greg, & Brent CONGRATULATIONS, MINO!

We Love You, Mom and Dad

To our only son, Glenn, Congratulations, we couldn't be proud and happier than now. We thank God for his protection and guid– ance to you in every moment of your life. Have faith in God, be honest, fair, and just and we are sure you'll have a bright successful future. We'll always love you!

We are so proud of you! May success always be with you!

Love, Mom and Dad

KEITH B. ANTIGIOVANNI We wish you success, health and happiness. Believe in yourself and pursue your dreams. We are proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad

Mom and Dad and Christine

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