Alcala Yearbook 1995

CONGRATULATIONS! To Sasha Dabbs from your family, Mom, Dad, Lori, Mums, & Matt No family could be more proud than we are of you. As you continue on the path you have chosen to follow, may you be an out– standing example to those you teach, as you have been to those who know and love you. We pray for God 's very best for you and know that you will succeed in all that you do. May your days be filled with happiness and your every dream come ture May the joy you bring to others Bring exceptional success to you. Congratulations to our very special Kelly Girl! Graduating from USD in 199 5 is one of the many significant accomplishments you will realize during your life time. It is both an end and a new beginning . As you journey toward the future, remember these thoughts: Be ever thankful for the talents that God has given you and use them wisely; Rest secure in the knowledge that your family loves you forever; Take care of yourself and others , especially those in need. May your special friends and memories ofUSD be with you always, and may happine , love and success follow you . We Love You, Mom, Dad, Tracy , and John

Congratulations11 Darrell!

You·ve reached an important milestone in Your life. As you Pursue your future goals11 we'll continue to give you our unwavering love and SUPPOrt. Mom and Dad Chris, Congratulations! Weare soproudofyou. Love,Mom, Dad, andSarah .At last t he ti me has arr ived . W e' re do1Ab ly pro 1Ad of yo lA fo r ha v ing t he f ortit1Ade to over– com e the m a n y difFic 1Alties yo lA ha v e e x per i– e nced t o accom p li ~h t hi s t 1Arnin9 po int in yo1Ar life . W e ha v loved y o lA very much a lways 1 b 1At j1Ast r ecentl y ha ve w e come t o r ea liz t t,;: e fr 1Ae d e pth of thi s love . M o ,'11\ a nd D ad JACQUELINE JOY GARNER CONGRATULATIONS JACQUE Your college days have been filled to over D ea r Ci ino 1


flowing with studying, dancing, laughter, and friends. Now it's time to close this door and step forward into the world that you will make for yourself and we pray that it will be all that you desire and deserve.


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You have made our dreams come true, now it is time to make yours come true. Have a beautiful life! All our love, Mom and Dad

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