Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996

fieilfi J)eager We're


J?ou 've been therefor the best 14 y ears ofm, life always with sonie words ofwisdom. J?ou 're the ultimate big brother andfriend. <;Best .Ji'riends !forever. fg1ve, rnanda


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Jocelyn Michelle

S<.D, !France, [Qndon-- J?ou had 4 great years. Congratulations on realiz– ing your dreams- We are really proud ofyou! /Qve, Mon1,,

We are all so proud ofyoujoc!! Muchfgve, Mom, <1Jad, Chris ~ Matt Our <;Sig{Brother r/{tcardo We are so proud ofyou! !!You are super!! fgve, Juanpablo ~ Chachita


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