Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994


Felicidades por el logro alcanzado tus metas se han logrado. Deseamos que siempre continuen tus exitos. Para nosotros es un orgullo que seas nuestro higo. Te Queremos Siempre, Tus Papas CONGRATULATIONS!!! We love you and are very proud of all of your accomplishments. We wish you the best of luck in the future. God bless, Aurea, Wanda, Nitsa, Jessica, & Ivan CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are very proud of you. Continue to pursue your dreams, for you no doubt will be the best at whatever you wish to do. God bless! SEMPER FIDELIS! We love you, Victor, Lety and Omar CONGRATULATIONS!!! Words can't express how proud I am of your accomplishments. You are setting the Stepping Stones that I want to follow. Lets grow from our experiences keep– ing our friendship and family bond as strong as ever. With love, your brother, "Pepe" El conocimiento y la sabudiria solo se obtienen con el esfuerzo y sacrificio propio. Aqui esta tu camino, cada quien llegara tan lejos como quiera. Cuando mas cerca se ve le fin mas lejos esta el priucipio. Te deseamos le mejor ahora y Cesar, Leticia y Julio Cesar Lugo It has been a long journey, however all of your efforts and determination have paid off. Your life is ahead of you and I'm behind you one hundred percent. I love you and I will always be there for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!! L.I.F.E. Brenda Yvellez

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