Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1994 Winter Olyn1pics! In Lillehammer, Norway

USA Medal Count Gold ... ... ............. ......... .............. 6 Silver ......................................... 5 Bronze ....... ................ ................ 2


D THE BEST OLYMPIAN - American speedskater Bonnie Blair wins her fifth Olympic gold medal in the 1,000 meter race, earning her rnore medals than any other woman in U.S. Olympic history.

LOOK, MA, AGOLDMEDAL! -American Tommy Moeshowsoffhismedalafter winning the downhiU skiiing event. Seenhere in action,Moe takes the lead in the first men's medal event of the Olympics, gaining America's first gold medal.

VICTORY PARADE -American Diann Roffe is lifted in celebration by members of the USA alpine skiing team after winning the gold medal in the women's super-G.

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