Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994


• 1. Kim Campbell was the first • woman Prime Minister to lead • Ca n ada, succeeding Brian • Mulroney. The former lawyer • lost in re-election. • • 2. President Boris Yeltsin dis- • so lved parliament and an– • nounced new elections in late • September, resulting in riots • throughout the former USSR. • 3. Head of a diverse 7 member • presidency, Bosnian President • Alijahlzetbegovicsays hedoubts • the United Na tion's commitment • to end bloodshed in his country. • • 4.The first woman Attorney Gen- • eral,Janet Reno, is the U.S.'s head • crime fighter. While confronting • drugs, ga ngs and violence, she is • crusading for America's children. • 5. Bill Clinton struggled through • his first few months in office, but, • by fa ll, realized the passage of the • tax reform bill and James Brady • gun control bill. • • 6. Hillary Clinton cha ired the • White House task force tha t de– • vised the health security plan, • which will cost an extra $350 bi!- • lion over five years. • 7. Mohamed Farrah Aidid, most • powerful of the Somalian war- • lords, was blamed for numerous • attacks on the military a nd • contined to elude U. . forces . • : 8. Ruth Bader Ginsburg became • the second fema leSupremeCourt • Justice. She had won severaIIand- • mark cases as a lawyer for the • American Civil Liberties Union. • • 9. Pope John Pa ul ll visited Den- • ver where he was joined by Pres. • Clinton and Vice-Pres. Gore for • World Youth Day. This was the • pontiffs third visit to the U.S. • 10. Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman • was the accused leader of the ter- • rorist group whose bombing of • the World Trade Center killed 6 • people and injured 1,000 more.

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