Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994

HOMERUN?-JoshStepnerswings w ith all his might, but could the



IT! -First Baseman Eric Morton is not about to let his dear friend

ball be in the glove??

get away from him.

SA-~ING!! Up to press release, the USD men's baseball openedWest conference play against St. Mary's in John Cunningham Stadium. San Diego pushed some of the nation's best teams to the limit at the Anaheim Hilton and Towers Clas– sic held in Fullerton. This season the team was blessed with the retun of several players. All-District 8 hurler Mike Saipe returned for his third season as staff ace. With great a coaching staff; ABCA Hall of Farner Head Coach John Cunningham, Assistant coaches Jake Molina, Glenn Godwin and Ray Butler, and the loss of only four se– niors this year, the baseball squad looks for– ward to having a great future on the diamond in the upcoming 1994-95 season. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Men's Baseball ~

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