Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

-1-------m • Shetland Island Oil Spill- An oil tanker carrying nearly 25 million gallons of crude oil lost power and was blown onto the rug– ged coastline of the Bay of Quendale, 100 miles north of Aberdeen, Scotland. 2.

Saddam Hussein is alive and well and living in Baghdad--at least by most accounts. TheMiddle East War ended in February, 1991. Withinlraq,Saddam Hussein appears to have grown only stronger since his troops were forced out of Kuwait. 3. In 1991 Boris N. Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian Federation . One of his top priorities was economic reform. But the gloomy economic con– dition reflected the grave difficulties he and his gov– ernment faced in trying to build a market economy on the ruins of the failed Soviet communist system.


Civil war spread across Yugoslavia, a nation of six republics and two provinces that have been plagued by historic ethmc, reli– gious, and economic aifferences. Pope John Paul II un– derwent colon surgery in the summer of 1992 to remove a benign tu– mor. The 72 year old pontiff was hospital- ~ed for about 10 days. In early 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali be– came the world's top diplomat-the Secre– tary General of the United ations. Clear-cutting was one way of clearing tim– ber that the environ– mentalists wanted to eliminate in 1992 and Itszak Rabin, Israel's prime minister, made it known th a t he wanted peace in the Middle East. He tressed the impor– tance of stopping the spread of Nuclear weapons in the world.





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