Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

Senior brothers - The Phi Kappa Theta seniors group for a p icture a t the Fall Pledge Dance.

Good lookin' bunch - M ike Hodges, Tom Gambon, Dan Kilkenny, and their d a tes are having a good time at the Phi Kappa Theta Fall Pledge Dance. True cowboys (and girl!) - Scott Samuelson, Jason Stein, Garrett Tripp, Steve Gervas, and Scott Jacoby "Roll in the Hay" at an exchange with Gamma Phi Beta.

Happy go lucky - Chris Roed er, James Borella, a11d Matty Collins let loose at the Phi Kappa Theta Fa ll Pledge Dance. Go Big Blue - The Phi Kapps prove to be a roudy and supporting audience for our team a t the 1992 Homecom– ing Game.

Phi Kappa Theta

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