Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

Alpha Phi Eta Rho Chapter

In 1872, ALPHA PHI was founded a t Syracuse University "to uphold the highest ideals of womenhood, scholar– ship, and service, and perpetuate the spirit of sisterly love and kindness." The Eta Rho Chapter was founded here a t USD in 1989 to s trive to uphold these goals and high ideals of womanhood. In the four years since its founding, Alpha Phi has continued to grow and prosper. These 28 pledges participated in Rush, which was a great su ccess. Social involvements for the sorority

included exchanges with fraternities at USD and other Universities, the Bordeaux Ball, Winter Theme Formal, Date Dashes, and the end of the year Senior Sailout. Sisterhood events like Founder 's Day and the Chapter Re– treat rounded out the year. Finally, Alpha Phi showed their commitment to high ideals through their philan– thropic activites by organizing the 2nd Annual Alpha Phi Open Golf Tourna– ment as a fundraiser to benefit Car– diac Aide.

Dining out-Kristin Weaver Layla Chesebro, Ju lie Ketelsen, Kirn Segal, Amy Walzack, Mishelle Patty, and Melinda Patty gather for di1mer at a restaurant.

Welcome new sisters! - Jeanne Mau, Erin Lee, Nicol Petersen, Cindy Andersen, Molly Sulli van, Ashley Alessio, Monica Daley, and Connie VanKirk on Bid Day.

Creamed! - Alpha Phi sisters h ave a g rea t tim e in th e outdoorswith a shaving cream fight. Ready to go - Layla Chesebro and Steffanie Gullo Pose before the Fall Dance.

Alpha Phi

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