Alcalá View 1990 6.5
Sr. Shaffer (Continuedfrompage 1) Society of the Sacred Heart and decided to dedicate her life to teaching. "One of the rewards of teaching is helping someone succeed who might not have succeeded unless you took the time to help," she says. "To be a good teacher, you can't think too much about yourself. You have to be giving and patient and take time with students when they really need it." The 61-year old nun takes time with her students in and out of the class- room. She has organized a group of second-generation Sacred Heart stu- dents - children of alumni she has taught in the past - and leads the groups in activities such as house-build- ing in Tijuana. "The students are al- ways curious to hear stories about their parents as students," she says with a laugh. "And often times it helps bring the parents and students closer together when the children realize their parents were kids once too." Although she has enjoyed sabbati- cals in England and Georgia and has had the opportunity to work and study at bigger name scientific institutions, Sr. Shaffer's eyebrows shoot up when she's asked if she ever contemplated leaving Alcala Park. "Why no," she says with a bemused smile, "this is home." New hires, promotions Welcome to the following employees who recently joined the USD community: Jeffrey Scott Burrow, unit leader, Banquets and Catering; Astrid Diaz, secretary, Graduate Admissions; Vicki Lynn Dickenson, secretary, Lawyers Assistant Program; Linda L. Dieter, secretary, Law School Admissions; Tammy Rae Ann Edwards, clerk, Un- dergraduate Admissions; Matthew Marlow Flores, clerk, Bookstore; Jan- netta Marie Galloway, clerical assis- tant, Controller; Brendan Carl Geraci, bindery technician, Printing and Duplicating; Tammy B. Glenn, secretary, Test Preparation; Michele Denise Harmon, secretary, Political Science; Melanie Hart Haskins, cleri-
Katie Euphrat, Jason Gammons and Veronica Burnell enjoy the puppet theater at the Manchester Family Child Development Center. Part-time child care now offered
Manchester Family Child Develop- ment Center Director Dr. Steven Gelb is a happy man these days. Not only is enrollment soaring at the center (there already is a waiting list for children who will be eligible to enroll in spring of 1991) but part-time slots, previously available only to children of students, now are available to children of employees as well. "We perceived a great need among the employees for part-time care, and with the help of the Parents' Advisory Council, we were able to facilitate a policy change," Dr. Gelb explains. Cur- cal assistant, Controller; Frank Brad- ley Holcomb, patrol officer, Public Safety; Susan Marie Maracle, clerical assistant, Bookstore; Julie E. Pate, Data Processing, Admininstrative Data Processing; Julianne Avey Richards, secretary, Athletics-Administration; Rafael Rojo-Sandoval, custodian, Grille; Barbara Jean Snyder, clerical assistant, Physical Plant; Martha Sue Storts, clerk, Bookstore; Michael Leonard Valdez, plumber, Building Maintenance; Dwayne Curtis White, clerk, Mail Center. Congratulations to the following employees who recently received a promotion or reclassification: Maria J. Barradas, from custodian I to custodian II, Custodial Services; Melissa Castro, from secretary I to secretary II, Graduate Admissions; Jill Ann Decker, from clerical assistant I to clerical assistant II, Controller; Melvin
rently three part-time afternoon spots are available. This policy change and good "word of mouth" advertising have helped the center's enrollment grow from 22 stu- dents in September to 33 currently. Al- though the center was built to accom- modate up to 60 kids, Dr. Gelb says he is concerned about the center's capability to handle any more children. "Right now we are not equipped to operate the other room of the center," he explains. "And I don't want to reach the point where we have to tum people away." M. Draper, from special services lead to custodian supervisor, custodial ser- vices; Kathleen Goldman, from cleri- cal assistant II to administrative execu- tive assistant I, Housing; Kelly A. Riseley, from clerical assitant II to ad- ministrative executive assistant II, Con- troller; Joanne P. Sakalaukus, from clerk to clerical assistant II, Controller; Judith M. Sandman, from clerical as- sistant I to administrative executive as- sistant I, Housing; Pedro G. Servin, from special services worker to special services lead, General Services; Jan M. Tuomainen, from clerk to clerical assis- tant I, Controller; Edwina I. Vil- Ian ueva, from clerk to clerical assistant I, Controller. Correction Eugenia Francesca Bell's name was incorrectly listed in the last Alcala View. She is a new media assistant in the Media Center.
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