Alcalá View 1987 3.7

Employees like U.C. dining (continuedfrom page 1) eve r. to feeling a little in- timida ted a bout eating in the dining room dressed in h er regular working garb of j eans and sweater. Dr. Cole Manes . associ- ate professor of biology. has eaten in the din ing room onc e. He liked the furni s h- ings. but found the room it- self somewhat difficult to find . " Th e pric es were a bout the sam e and the food was good.'' h e said. " I think the dining room is beautiful.' ' said Stepha- nie Sheltz . Co nstitu e nt Re la tions secretary. She und e rstand s how so m e emp loyees might feel in- timidated by th e room's at- mosphe re. but adde d. " I think it was nice of the Uni- versity to d esign such a ni ce room : e mployees shou ld appreciate it." Diane Fuller was more c ritical. " I think it's osten- ta tious a nd overdon e," said the Alumni Re lations sec- re tary. She also criticized the higher prices. And yet. she added. "I think it 's g reat employees have the ir own place to eat." "The atmosphere is very comfortable in the dining room." said Dr. Angelo Orona. associate professor of a nthropology. He fee ls t he Cente r itse lf will give students a be tter e nviron- m ent in whic h to congre - gate. Joan Brisebois, Gradu- ate Adm issions secretary. loves the view. " It 's gor- geo u s . I was d e li g ht e d whe n I ate there. The view is just breathtaking." The dining room. which is located a djacent to the Stud e n t Dining Room. seats 125. It is open 11: 30 a .m .-1 :15 p .m . Mond ay through Friday •

Meet USD's. .. Greg Modugno This month's employee in the spotlight is Greg Modugno . who has worked at USD for 10 y ears as coo k for the ban- quets and cate ring divi- sion of Dining Se rvices. Greg. his wife. Claudia. and their two children . Porchia. seven. and Andre. four. live in Linda Vista 1. What bri ngs you the most satisfaction in life? Hav ing childre n to pa r- ent. 2. Who is your hero in life and why? I don't h ave any. but I do resp ec t p eo pl e who treat peopl e with di g nit y n o matte r what their status is in life. 3 . If you could be president of USD for a day what action would you take first? I wou ld build mul ti-story pa rking structures. 4. What is the most pleasurable aspect of your job? Making food taste good a nd look good . 5. What i s t he least pleasurable aspect of your job? Runnin g o ut of tim e when yo u n eed more. 6 . What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I enjoy playing with my c hildre n . Playing mu s ic a nd watch ing o ld Pe rry Ma- son e pisodes a nd nat ure programs on te levision . 7. If you coul d be 21 again , what would you do differently in your life?

Greg Modugno

I wou ld settle down and start a fam ily earlier than I did. 8 . What was the last movie y ou saw? Star Trek. 9. Wha t concerns you most about the community in wh i ch you live?

Th e r e a re t oo m a ny apa rtm ent compl exes be- ing bu ilt in this area. ll is causi n g m or a nd mor e co nges tion . 10. What is your fa- vorite holiday and why? I don·t have a favo ri te. I just e njoy t he lime off from work • Death Bob Hunt. form e r Un ive r- s ity director o f physi ca l p la n t. on Marc h 9. Has something notable h appened in your life? Share th e news with the r es t of the USD commu- nity by phoning ext. 4684. We' ll include the n ews in an upcom ing issue of Al- ca la View.



Sara F inn. APR. director of public re lations, to the San Di ego C h a mb e r o f Comm e r ce Gove rnm e nt Re la ti o n s Committee for State and Fede ra l Gove rn- m ents.

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