Alcalá View 1986 3.5

Sheltz perfect

in trivia contest S tephanie Sheltz submitted a perfec t entry and then won a tie-breaker drawing to fin - ish on top in November's Alcala View trivia contest. She rece ives a $5 gift cer- li fi ca te re d eem a bl e at El Tecolote restauran l. Sheltz. secretary in the Constituent Re lations Of- fice. bested Debbie Gough, who also submitted a pe r- fect entry. in the drawing. Be low is qui z four. which is ope n to all USO employ- ees. The winne r will rece ive a $5 gift ce rtificate from El Tecolote Resta urant. Because Alca la View wil l not be published in Janu- a ry. deadline for December co ntes t e ntri es is 5 p.m. Thursday. J a nua ry 15. En- tries shou ld be s ubmitted to th e Publi ca tion s Offic e. DeSales 274. 1. Wha t will the existing Camino Ha ll dining room be converted to in th e future? 2. In which s c hool is un- d e rg ra du ate e nroll- ment the la rgest? 3. To which athle tic con- fe re n ce does USO be- long? 4 . On what date in I9 71 was President Author E . Hu g h es o ffi c ia ll y n a m e d pres id e nt of USO? 5. Ann Inc iyan works in the ________ Office. 6. Choose th e bes t a n- swe r: th e Co pl ey Li- brary has more than a) 100,000 b) 200.000 c ) 300.000 volumes.

Stephanie Sheltz

2 . Only one·entry per em- ployee. 3. Entries should be re- turned to the Publications Office. DeSales 274, by the deadline. Entries received after the deadline will be declared ineligible. 4. In case of ties. a draw- ing will determine the win- ner. 5 . Employees of the Pub- lications Office are ineligible to enter the contest. •

7. Who is the Manc hester Conference Center named for? 8. In whic h building is the Health Center located? 9. True or False: the new University Center houses a bowling alley. 10. The Torero baske tball team hosts Pe ppe rdine on what da te? Answers to last month's quiz: 1. Sa n Diego 2 . St. Didac us· goodness Correction John Fraze r·s winning e n- try in the Ha lloween pump- kin carving contest was en- ti ti e d " Ki ss Me on th e Mouth :· not "Ha rmonica." as reported in the October Alcala Vi ew. " Harmonica" is Fraze r's nickn am e. !

and kindn ess to the poor.

3. Fr. John Baer 4. Mother Rosalie Hill 5. 13 6. MBA and MIB

7. Liz Aleman 8. January 28 9. 19-4-1 10. Jill Ga ll aghe r Rules 1. Only USO employees are eligible to enter.

------- --- 7 USO Trivia Contest



I Name I Department Campus ext.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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