Alcalá View 1985 2.5
$24,890 raised for United Way A total of 241 USD employees contrib- uted $24,890.93 to th e United Way/CHAD fund-raising c ampaign conducted on campus last month. Donations may be made through the end of December. Contributions will be dis- tributed to 82 local agen- cies which provide health and human care services. "I want to thank all em- ployees who contributed to this important campaign," said Sara Finn, director of public relations and cam- pus chair of this year's United Way/CHAD drive. Grand prize winner in the drawing held for all contributors was Marty Stapleford, Alumni Rela- tions Office secretary. She won a 19-inch color televi- sion. Other prize winners were Mary Giblin, graduate re- cruiter, Graduate Admis- sions Office-a night for two at Mission Bay Hilton; Libby Stroube, director of development, School of Law-$15 of lunches at fac- ulty dining room; and Sr. Virginia McMonagle , di- rector of consti tuent relations-dinner for two at the French Gourmet Res- taurant. Sera Schmitt, assistant director of public relations, coordinated the campus- wide drive. • Alcala View is published monthly August through May by the Publications and Hu- man Resources offices. The newsletter is distributed to all University of San Diego em- ployees.
Marty Stapleford, Alumni Relations Office secretary, was the winn~r in the United Way drawing for a color television. Contributions may be made to Umted Way through December.
Center rising quickly
Senior guide available
west of the center. The lot should be completed by the start of spring semester. The perimeter road around the center is now open, which should ease the tight parking situation somewhat. There are about 40 parallel parking spaces located along the road. • Gold at Price Club The Price Club is now of- fering a Gold Star Member- ship entitling members to buy at wholesale prices rather than the current ar- rangement of 5 percent over wholesale. The fee is $25 per year for the primary card and an ad- ditional $10 per year for a spouse's card. Current group members can convert to the new Gold Star mem- bership. Contact any Price Club to make changes. •
The $9 million Univer- sity Center under con- struction is rising rapidly east of DeSales Hall. Despite unusually wet November weather, con- struction is on schedule, according to John Zeter- berg, director of physical e§.!1!.: The _center is §lated for completion by Septem- ber 1986. Construction crews cur- rently are backfilling soil around the building's foun- d a ti on, Zeterberg says. Once backfilling is com- pleted, a permanent paved lot will be constructed just
Human Resources re- cently received a reference booklet filled with informa- tion helpful to senior citi- zens who want to lead independent lives. Among the topics cov- ered are Medicare and Medicare supplemental insurance, hospices, multi- purpose service organiza- tions , financial aid for in-home care, and sources of low-cost meals. The information would be helpful to anyone seek- ing alternatives to nursing homes for older relatives. It also contains useful infor- mation for those planning to retire in the near future . The booklet, entitled "A Guide to Seniors," is availa- ble for employees' use in the Human Resources Of- fice, DeSales 100. •
Editorial material for possi- ble use in Alcala View should be submitted by the first of the month of the desired publica- tion. Material should be deliv- ered or sent to DeSales 274.
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