Alcalá View 1981 3.1

Recipes for a Delicious Holiday...

"4 LAYER SWEET DREAM" 1 sti ck of butte r 1 cup fl our 1 /2 cup nuts, chopp ed Cream mi xt ure; spread o n 9 x 1 2 pan; bake at 35 0° fo r 20 minutes. Cool. 1 8-oz. cream cheese 1 cup powd ered suga r 1 cup Coo l Whi p Spread over crumb mi xture. 2 small in stant puddin g* 3 cups milk Mi x puddin g and milk and sp read ove r crum bs an d fi rst layer. *Puddin g used ca n va ry from p istachio; vanill a with cru shed pin ea pp le sprinkl ed ove r t o p; banana w ith fresh cut-up bananas. Sp read remainin g Cool Whip ove r all laye rs and sprinkl e li ghtly with nuts. - Cher M. Delcarmen

CHRISTMAS COOKIES 1 cup ol eo 1 cup suga r

2 Tabl es poon s milk 1 t eas poo n vanill a 1 /4 cup red and gree n ca ndi ed cherri es 1 /2 cu p cho pped peca ns

3/4 cu p coconut 2 1/ 2 cup fl o ur

Cream o leo and sugar. Add milk and vanilla. Stir in fl our, cherri es, and nuts. Fo rm into 2 ro ll s 2 in ches in di ame t er and 8 in ches lo ng. Ro ll in coconut. Wrap and chill ove rni ght. Sli ce 1/ 4 in ch thi ck, pl ace o n un greas ed coo ki e sheet and bake at 37 5° fo r approxi– mat ely 12 minutes. M akes 5 dozen. - Linda Petty Secretary to Kathy Walden, Asst. Director of Development HOTHOLIDAYARTICHOKE DIP can arti cho ke heart s, drain ed 1 cup mayo nn aise 1 cup Parm esan cheese Chop arti choke hearts into quarters. Stir in all in gred ient s. Ba ke in 3 50° oven fo r 1 5-20 minu tes o r until to p is go lden brown. Exce l– lent o n Triscu its. - "Action" Jackson Kitch ens (Jackson Muecke)

Grandfather Edelman 's Low Calorie CHRISTMAS FATIGUE POUND CAKE

The origins of this recipe are lost in the mists of time. It is known, however, that it had its genesis in the Bavarian Alps and made its way to this country under the aegis of my grandfather, Louis Adolph. It was also under a plaster bust of Kaiser Wilhelm and a Stradivarius violin Grandpa picked up in Cremona, Italy, which would be worth $250,000 today if Grandpa hadn't stripped off the varnish.

2 quarts o f kirschwasse r q uart o f peppe rmint schnapps 1 p int of prun e brandy 4 egg yo lks Sarah Li ederkranz poun d cake

Stir liquid in gredi ent s in a large, firep roo f vat fo r 30 minutes o r until exhaust ed. Add egg yo lks and stir over low flame until midn ight Chri stmas Day. When th e con cocti o n has taken on a sli ght ly blu e haze, add th e po und ca ke, takin g ca re not to drop any crumbs in to t he mi xture. Stir pound ca ke in liquid fo r 30 second s and remove immediat ely. Do not di scard th e pound cake in garb age d isposa l o r other metalli c receptacle, as it may d es troy plumbin g. Se rv es one. Recommend se rvin g sho rtl y after all guest s have left and avo id human company fo r at least three days. - Sandy Edelman

WASSAIL ga ll on app le cider

6 w ho le cloves 6 w ho le all spi ce 2 t easpoo ns nu tmeg 6-oz. can froze n lemonad e 1 6-oz. can o range ju ice 1 cup packed b rown suga r


1/ 2 cup sho rt enin g 1 egg cup suga r 1 / 2 cup flo ur 1 /2 tsp. salt 1 cup (o r mo re) wa lnu ts

1 cup (o r mo re) se ed les s ra1s1ns 1 cup app lesauce (o r mo re, if nee ded) 1 tsp. cinn amo n 1 /3 tsp. cloves o r all sp ice 1 Tab les poon ba kin g soda 4 Tab les poon s ground bakin g choco late

Heat and se rve wa rm . Serve w ith cinn amon sti ck stirrers. - Dave Navarro

Thanksgiving... Easy Dessert PINEAPPLE DELIGHT In stan t Rice (o ne se rvin g rec ipe) 1 ca n cru shed pin eap pl e 1 conta in er w hi p ped cream Cook ri ce per directi ons. Coo l ri ce. Drain and ad d o ne can o f cr ushed pin ea ppl e. Fo ld in whi ppe d cream . Coo l in refri ge rato r fo r at leas t one ho ur. Serves 5-7. -Fran Swank

W arm bowl. Add sho rtening. C ream in su ga r (o nl y somew hat and gradua ll y). Beat egg into m ixt ure. Sift fl ou r w it h seasonin gs. Use bi t of thi s fo r d redgi ng nuts and raisins. Add d redged nuts and rai sins to creamed m ixt ure. Add fl our mi xtu re grad ua ll y to above, m ixin g thoro ughl y. Add (at once) enough app lesa uce to make mixt ure "s loppy". Cream and fl our ba king pa n w it h dab o f sho rt ening. Bak e at 3 50° until toothpi ck comes clean (exce p t fo r one crumb.) . - Sr. Dale Brown

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