Alcalá View 1980 1.6
Page 2 - Alcala View - March, 1980 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ................ . ........ . ............. . ...... ;:;: ::::~;~ r==rr rr:rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrirrrrr rrrrrr
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The?.tre Not Old.
They·re Antiques
by Dan Trigoboff George Stoddart is one of those peop le who doesn 't leave hi s wo rk ju st because he leaves hi s jo b. After a fu ll day at USO, where Geo rge is in charge of maintaining th e University's cars and trucks, he goes home ot work on ca rs and truck s of his own. Bu t th e vehicl es Stoddart goes home to arc of a fa r different varie ty from the ones at school. Whil e mos t people spend their money on the newest ca rs t hey can afford, George prefers hi s to be of a less recent vintagc-- the olde r the better, in fact. "The oldest car I've got is a 1914 Overlin Touri ng car," George says, pul ling a picture of the ca r from his wallet li ke a proud fat her. "That's worth about $15,000. Then, there's a 1916 Roadster. I can't rea ll y say what it would bring. It 's worth more to me th an money. " Also included in the pri ze co ll ec ti on is a 1925 Model T, a 1934 Ford Sedan, a 1934 Ford Roadster, and two 1932 Ford pi ck-up truc ks, one of which is the fi rst antiqu e vehi cle George ever owne d. " I first got involv ed with it wh en I was young. My fa th er ran an auto wreck in g bu sin ess in San Di ego for over 40 yea rs. I used to go down th ere after sc hool, wee kend s. .. every chance I had. With the comi ng state of th e economy on everyone's mind, the USO Alumni Assoc iation's 2nd Ann ua l Continu ing Educa ti on seminar will focu s on how to handle personal finances and consumer issues. "Two Bi ts, Four Bits, Six Bits– Yo u're Bankrupt " is the ti tle of the day long seminar, set fo r Saturd ay, March 22, from 9 a. m. to 3 p.m., in USD 's Camin o Theatre. Featured spea ker will be Dav id Howowitz, we ll- known consumer advocate fo r NBC-TV, the hos t of " Dav id Horowitz Consumer Bu yline,"
HE'S NOT THE LI T TLE OL' LADY FROM PASADENA . . . but George Stoddart takes great pride in keeping USO veh icles ship-shape, and in restoring old classics. " I'd be going th rough all the cars, pullin g out all the parts, lea rning about them. I pic ked up my fi rst o ne, the pick-up, in 1960."
thing (working with cars) fo r your bread and butter, that's a little bit too much." For hi s ge neral transportati on, George drives a '74 Maveri ck, his preference for Fords ex tending not only to hi s antiques. But, he laments, t here are no cars bui lt today th at can be compared in quality to t he ones of yesteryear. With his 14 antique cars, valu ed at several th ousand doll ars each, George could probably retire and keep himself in new Fords fo r quite a whil e, if he were able to part with any of his cars. " I've never sold any of them that were finish ed, " sa id George. " I think I'II kee p them as long as I'm on th is earth." by Bill Ritter Ah, March ! The fl owers are sta rting to bloom. The sun shines br ightl y. The air is fres h with the anti cipatio n of spring. But nature's cause fo r re joicing dur ing Marc h isn't always matched by we humans who are supposed to be enj oy ing th is spring wonder land. That's because March is bu t one month removed from Ap ril ; and April is tax time. It is not so mu ch a time that tr ies peop le's soul s as much as it does their pocke tboo ks. You can see it on peop le's faces. Pa rdon them if they forget to remi nd you to "Have a Nice Day." Finally! A Tax Break
George often shows his cars in ex hibiti ons sponsored by va ri ous antiqu e car clubs he belongs to. And pedestrians and other travelers often get a thr ill wh en he takes one of his old cars and trucks out fo r a driv e. " I guess if I had to do it aga in, I might do thin gs a bit di ffe rent," sa id George, a te n year USO veteran. " I wouldn 't
change my hobby, bu t I mi ght do a different kind of job. It's one thing having a hobby, but doing the same
Horowitz Featured at Seminar
and the author of "F ight Bac k 1 And Don't Get Ripped Off." All USO empl oyees are invited to attend. Cost fo r the seminar is only $1O; lunch will be available. Oth er speake rs include Wi lliam Jeffrey, Vice Presiden t of th e Trust– Inves tme nt Department of Ca lifo rni a First Bank, speaking on banking; Ms. Kay Heil y, investmen t counselor with Merrill-Lynch, talkin g on se cur iti es; and on rea l estate and the ris ks of financi al success. Advance d registra ti on is ava il abl e by cal ling the Alumn i Office at extension 4294.
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