Alcalá 1992
Delta Tau Delta
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''Building Traditions''
D elta Tau Delta was founded at USD on October 28, 1988 as the newest men's social fraternity on campus. The fifty-one member founding colony and the four subsequent pledge classes have established a new and excit– ing fraternity and traditions in their own chapter and the entire USO Greek system. Delta Tau Delta received their National Charter on October 10, 1990.
Come All Ye Faithful Christmas Party, Leap Year Under the Sea at Neptune's Palace, Greek Week, War Games Paint Wars, Delts Invade Ria Rita's and Home– coming Float Building as well as ex– changes with sororities. The brother's of Delta Tau Delta look for– ward to continuing to build new tradi– tions, serving the University community and becoming a greater force in Greek life.
The Delts' social calender included the
Anthony Manfredi VP External
Jason Chaffee VP Internal
John Pregenzer President
Sean Depiest Treasurer
Alan Lewis ICF VP
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