Alcalá 1992

n Our Way Up

o th l niversit • of San Diego, beauty goes much than skin tudents, professors and administration that make the Universi– fhis ear lfSD was ranked third m regional Western Universi– U. New and World Report's"America's Best Colleges", behind rm11 l mversit\ and Santa Clara University. Since the University opened rn I , qult a bit h 1 changed and we have started to really make a name for \\ ith tremendous programs in Law, Education, Nursing and Business Admmi tration l nli other schools in San Diego which have recently had to cut ,r ,gram , l SD has been able to build and expand many of their programs. B d n th looka 111 things, it appears USD is one to watch. You decide.

The sun aeta on a Friday night in San Diego, and Jen McVey pulla up her windsurfing sail in the SD campus clears u the students motivate front of Maher Hall. to a fut paced weekend.

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