Alcalá 1991

Julie LymJ Pirolli

Marvin Earl Harrison II Marvin, with God's help and the help of Mama, Dad and Grandmama, you did it. "First to Graduate" Love you! Mama, Dad, Cathy and Grandmama

Congratulations, we wish you happiness and success In the Future. We love you. Mom, Dad, Thom & Steve

Kim Munday Congratulations! We are so proud of you! May the wonderful friends and memories you received at USD continue forever! Your Family and Friends

Brian Skibby

Bless you Brian not only for who you are but also who I am because of you. My love - Mom


Llli Claire Unamuno

Congratulations! We believe with God's help you'll be successful In your goal. We love you and are very proud of you! The Dulin Family

Congratulations and lots of love to "The Baby" of the family. Mom, Dad, Lisa, Chris & Matt

K.C.G. and K.C.B. (soon to be K.C.G.)

Mindy Brown

Congratulations! and Congratulations! We love you Mom, Dad and Mike

Remember "The Eye of the Tiger"? It worked again and we are so proud of you! Mom, Dad, Kelly and Michael

Jodi Sansone

Tracy Olson Seek the opportunities that will keep you challenged and that will bring you success. Congratulations! Mom and Dad

Our Love and Congratulations to one of the Best. May all your Dreams come true. Mom, Dad and the Whole Family

•,. '

Patricia Burghardt

Bryan W. Miller Congratulations! Bryan continue to amaze us with your creativity es we admire your success. Love You,

Congratulations Tisha you did it! We're proud of You! We wish you happiness and love Mom, Dad, Therese & Joey

Mommer & Pops

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