Alcalá 1991
The USD chapter of Gamma Phi Beta, with its 115 members, spent yet another year serving the community and the University of San Diego. The start of the year, Fall Rush 1990, showed the women's enthusiasm as 40 new pledges were added that se– mester. After their hard work on Rush, the Gamma Phi's celebrated during a Fall Party Date Dash. Social activities con– tinued with events like Margaritaville party with Phi ~ppa Theta, a MyTle party JJith s gma Ch , and a mixer with Sigma P , hig g t (>f the semester can be rememberet:1 as the Ctestent Ball at the rr tines Sheraton Grande In La Jolla. Philanthropy Chairwoman, Hays Fralm, rga~ed many community ser– vice events i~ludin· the Baysie Settle– ment ttome, a program for latch-key kids in the inda Vista area. The soror– ity ,tlso had epre ntativ efolt:tnt~r– in~ h~ur~ at the Linda Vista ~ultl- 1- turaf Fair, Urban Plunge, and tke Soup Kitchen. During omecpntjng. 1990. the so– rority celebrated Parents' Weekend, hosted a barbecue, and supported To– rero Football. Gamma Phi's Homecom– ing candidates were, Sophomore At– tendant Kristen Barker and Homecom– ing Queen Paula Marcheschi. As the year came to an end, the sis· ters of the chapter agreed that the joy, fun, and pride in the sorority came from a combination ofall of its aspects and events - social, philanthropic, and involvement in general.
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Jen Murphy, Chlmene Hunt, Kelly Bower, Danielle Bittner, and Kyla Duckworth steal the show as the Wizard of Oz cast.
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