Alcalá 1991
"Pump 'em up!" his year has been an outstanding one for the USO cheer team. Not only were their spirit's high but their moral and energy was working at maximum ca– pacity. New stunts were performed that re– quired a higher level of expertise. The half time routine that was performed at all home games was dynamic and always caught the crowds attention. The cheer team lead the crowd to one of the most spirited sports years. None of this could have been done without coach Rosalie Borboa. Rosalie has been with the team for four years and has done an excel– lent Job coaching and choreographing. Spirit level was high before each game as well. The team put maximum effort into let– ting the campus know that the spirit level was soaring by holding a pep rally during the bas– ketball season and wearing their uniforms to school on game days. As everyone could see, school spirit rose due to the cheer team's enthusiasm.
Ending a cheer with a dramatic pose real· ly gets the crowd going!
B ecky Barone shows the crowd her genu· lnely good smile.
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Kristen Weaver demonstrates excellent balance with the help ol fellow cheerleader Conrad Bablda.
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