Alcalá 1991

Daley, Monica Dalton, Deirdre Dammert, Christopher Danson, Meredith Daqulpa, Mark Dean, Robert

Deak, Danielle DeBoda, Noemi Delfino. Ernie Demonte, Robert Dewinter, Amy Diaz, Paulette

DIMatteo, Donna DobSon, Bryan Dojaquez, Karta Dompe, Jacqueline Dougherty, Mary Dowling. ~llzabeth

girls. " Yeah right. Everyone knew the true use of the MEAT MAO. In the beginning of their new college life, a freshman would see a face, rush back to their room, get out the MAG and compare the picture to the reality. As fresh– man senator Jen Hardin said, "You absolutely know that the guys pick out the winners and the losers and who they want to date/"

Whatever you wanted to call It, It was none other than the New Student Record. It gave incoming freshman and transfer students a chance to see the faces and interests of their fellow students. As freshman Melissa Thompson stated, • 'It is a good way to recognize new faces. " As Sean Nugent said, "/

7'-e ldk .jd.e /'"4'-"" The MEAT MAG. The

New Student Record was a good way for

new students to associate names with faces. THE MEAT MAG

looked where people were from, and occasionally looked at some



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