Alcalá 1991
Carrillo, Renee Carruthers, Kerry Case. Jennifer Casey, Anne Marte Caslllas. Maribel Cervantes. Maribel
Chakmaklan, Steve Chavez, Lisa Chomlcz, Leslie Choy, J.D. Chucrt, Stephen Cluff, Julle
Cohen. Mike Collins, Kristin Collins, Susan Comiskey, John Cooper. Todd Correntl, Helen
Crivello, l'rancesca Curran. Anne-Marie
Daly, Michael DeBoda. ~lllta
DeRenzls,Todd Devericks. Krissie
B eing a sophomore means a last chance at a carefree life before assuming the responslbllltles ofadulthood. There's still time to find a major, the o.r::s are almost finished, and true friendships that will last a lifetime become an Integral part of the college years, Tobey Bost, Tom McLaughlin, and Scott Spore bond together before their journey Into real life begins.
Dinges. Lori Dionne, Steve
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