Sigma Chi, an opportunity achieved
and shared by more than 200,000
brothers for over 134 years, is one of
the leading Fraternities today. The
purpose of the Fraternity is to culti–
vate and maintain the high ideals of
friendship, justice and learning upon
which Sigma Chi was founded. In addi–
tion, Sigma Chi guides the undergrad–
uates in leadership responsibility, good
citizenship, academic excellence and
integrity, and finally to provide a help–
ing hand in brotherhood for the
achievement of purposeful living.
The Theta Lambda chapter of Sigma
Chi at the University of San Diego was
founded in May of 1984. Since that
time it has become a positive force and
influence in U.S.D. Presently the
chapter has over 80 diversely taiented
brothers ranging from academic schol–
ars to athletes. The Theta Lambda
chapter is involved in many activities,
social, academic and community ori–
ented. These activities bring recogni–
tion and pride to the Fraternity and
the people associated with them. High
academic standards are rigorously en–
forced. The chapter received the Le–
gion of Honor Award for having the
highest G.P.A. of any of the Greek or–
ganizations on campus. Nonetheless,
Sigma Chi also enjoys many fun events
such as San Felipe, Derby Days,
Around the Bay and Halloween.
The success of the Theta Lambda
Chapter of Sigma Chi, is attributed to
the strong and everlasting brother–
hood that exists in the Fraternity.