Front row: Garret Martin, Hadi Abou-Khater, Keith Awad, Peter Duncan, Mike Buckley,
Mark Wadia. Not pictured: Steve Psomas, Jim Hughes, Eduardo Naggiar, Tim Carrol,
Brian Kuipers.
he Undergraduate Nurses' Associ–
ation links communication between
the nursing students and faculty.
Nursing students are able to expand on
their classroom experiences grasping all
the intricate social understanding re–
quired to be a nurse in today's society. In
addition, the association promotes health
awareness for students, faculty, and
guests. The University of San Diego has a
highly rated nursing school and it is along
those expectations that the Undergrad–
uate Nurses' Association adds to the cali–
ber of USD's nursing graduates.
he USD Waterpolo team is a club
sport open to any USD student.
The team plays others such as San
Diego State, UC San Diego, and the Naval
Training Center's teams. The team prac–
tices twice a week for two hours in the
water. The Waterpolo games are usually
held on Tuesday nights off campus. As a
club sport the Waterpolo team had an
even record this season. The Waterpolo
season is in the fall, and it lasts approxi–
mately eight weeks.
The team works hard to be the best they
can and still have a lot of fun doing it.
Waterpolo is a tiring game that requires
strength, endurance, and a great arm!