Members: Bruce Dunn, Rachel Mason, Marta Malone, Tony Abbatangelo, Rich Davis,
Kristina Klausen, Tom Wegener, JoAnn Spadafora, Amy Pat Rignecy, Paul Cook, Angie
Stotz, Paul Deth, Wendy Jevne, Moira McCool, Lisa Carapellotti, Ashley Dunn, Kim
Holt, Krista Howell, Rachel Kassolis, Melody Ashley, All Recyclers!
Front row: Sam Bartholomew, Pat Gowan, Derby Pattengill, Steve Wahab. Middle row:
Carl Wahab, Darin Chase, Mike Hollon, Bob Jackson, Jon Grubs, Andy Basque. Back
row: Greg Zackowski, Pat Earley, Lou Marino, Pat Crema, Joe Nadeau, Rich Hersey. Not
pictured: Keith Olson, Rick Wray.
he goal of the Conservation Club is
promote environmental awareness and
global consciousness. The Conservation
Club has been very active in achieving their
goal. The club worked closely with Melody
Ashley, Earth Day coordinator, on the success
of Earth Day. The club also had a Halloween
party, a trash dig, a reggae concert, and, of
course, their constant promotion of the recy–
cling bins. Roots Rock Recycle, the reggae con–
cert the club arranged for, was a good time for
Any USD who is concerned about the envi–
ronment can be a member of the conservation
club. The club has 40 members in all, and
hopes to expand it's membership to aid in
reaching their goal.
Cycling Club