The ''New· · U.
"Jean and I are honored to have
our name on this University Center.
is the pulsing heart of the Univer–
These words of USD trustee Er–
nest Hahn marked this year's dedi–
cation of the UC. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn
generated $7 million of the $11 mil–
lion that went into the building of
the UC.
Since the completion of its con–
struction 3 years ago, the UC has
truly emerged as the center to uni–
versity life at USD.
was developed to function as
the "living room of the campus," the
UC serves a myriad of purposes. Pri–
marily, the UC acts as a point of
congregation for USD students.
Whether it is to enjoy subs and
cokes at the deli, play a game of pool
in the game room, or engage in group
study in the study lounge, students
know that they can always find
something to do in the UC. The UC is
also a great place to do absolutely
nothing, as those who have lounged
on the couches in the entryway have
In addition to these everyday ac–
tivities, the UC is the host to many
on-campus events such as concerts,
comedy nights, films, and seminars.
And finally, most student organiza–
tions as well as several administra–
tive offices call the UC home.
"Home" is the perfect word to de–
scribe the UC.
is USD students
"home away from home," for com–
muter students as well as those liv–
ing on campus. The constant echo of
conversation in the halls is proof of
this living-room atmosphere that
fills the UC. And it is this vibrance
and liveliness that makes the UC the
"pulsing heart" of USD.
Todd Tillman and Gina Succi enjoy the social
atmosphere in the market place.
At the beginning of the Hahn dedication,
USD's NROTC color guard lead in the flag
Eating on the patio means enjoying the San
Diego sunlight.
Jean Hahn