ducation is the work of the human mind, not just the brain; and artfully orchestrated, it touches the
spirit, not just the intelleet. InsQ:doing, education can help young people form attitudes to serve not
just in the world of work, but in the world at large. And unlike skills, attitudes can linger a lifetime
"Today we hear numerous calls in higher education to abandon simpfe careerism and give more attention to
the liberal arts and life's larger questions. Those calls are refreshing to us. They also tell us that in the
treatment of students, in the teaching/learning process, and in holistic education, we are leaders in an arena
many other colleges and universities are just now re-discovering.
"Now a new era is upon us. In higher education, we can no longer confine our efforts to helping students
learn specialized knowledge and marketable skills; we must also help them become aware of the increasing
interdependence of
Whether measured on a personal scale or a global one , ..
"With outside echoes of hlgher education's new priorities in our ears, and with others aiming for places
where we have already ,been, we seek
move ahead."
Dr. Author E. Hughes