For the
Sigma Pl Fraternity
this is the difference! Being
"on the edge"
in all that we do, setting the standards in all
areas of campus involvement. Our Brotherhood strives for
seeking higher ideas, the highest standards of brotherhood,
scholarship, and athletics.
Established February 26, !897 at Vinceness University,
Indiana. Since this beginning over 100,000 men have exper–
ienced the
Sigma Pi
tradition of brotherhood and scholar–
ship nationwide. The ideas of compassion, respect, and un–
derstanding among men has been sought throughout our
Sigma Pi Fraternity
today, more than ever before, an
integral and functional part of the USD environment.
Through its many facets of operation, Sigma Pi complements
the college education of its members. Leadership opportuni–
ties abound in Sigma Pi. From pledge class offices and com–
mittee chairmanships to major chapter offices, there are
many positions available in which a Sigma Pi brother can
both demonstrate and develop his leadership abilities.
As a social unit, the
Cutting Edge"
belongs to Sigma Pi,
with such events as M'A'S'H Bash, Halloween, Sorority
exchanges, Annual Road Trip to San Felipe, Mexico, Volley–
ball tournaments, Spring Break
Havasu, Rosarita, Cancun
name a few. This varied social life Sigma Pi provides
for its members, promotes involvement in extracurricular
activities, and embodies the ideal of friendship among stu–
dents. In short,
The Sigma Pl Fraternity
is an investment in
one's future, we feel the best investment a college student
can make.
The men of
pose for a
group shot a M'A •s•H Bash
for a toast to Brotherhood!
A common sight at San Fe–
is the dozen 's of R.
that manage to roll-in
around the clock- "a party
on wheels!!" stated, Mike
To be member of the 10-10-
10 club it's by special invite
only and GOOD LUCK!!!