Front row: Mike Lestyk, Steve Vanni, Linda Murray, Stacy Apprahamien, Rebecca Sinn,
Andy Perris (Social Chair) Middle row: Abe Salen, Bridget Mansfield, Conn Flanigan,
Julie Kingston, Astrid Kamberg, Lawna Rubeshaw (Sec.), Michelle Paloma, John El–
dridge, Monique Comeaux, Holly Fabre Back row: Chris Homewood, Melissa Burke, C.J.
Jackson, Meg Edmonds, Chris Andaya, Kelly England, Rich Pfister, Armando Villegas,
Jay Crews Not pictured: Andrea Limon (Pres.), Mark Nicola (Vice-Pres.), Lisa Rivera
(Tres.), Regina Buckmire, Carolyn Decuir, Greg Poll, Vanessa Dyer, Anita Eishen, Pat
Hughes, Sara Kleekamp, Chris McDonough, Noelle Starek, T .J . Tischer, Gretchen Wida,
Keely Bandeen, Mike Brille, Marc Callipari, Erica Dikeou, Francene Engel, Rob Gannon,
Lydia Morales, Chris Seymour, Dan Sheldon, Michele Skelton
Phi Alpha Delta
hi Alpha Delta is the largest legal frater–
nity nationally and internationally. Phi
Alpha Delta has over fifty members on
campus. It's members are USD students who
are interested in a career in the law.
The fraternity helps to provide insight into
the field. The insight that the members gain
helps them to decide whether or not they want
to pursue their current aspirations.
Phi Alpha Delta has expanded a lot in the
last two years. The fraternity hosts inore
speakers and has more activities than in the
past. Some of the speakers have been local at–
torneys, and admission officers from various
law schools. The admission officers help the
Phi Alpha Delta members with their law
school applications. They provide financial aid
tips; they help them with their personal essays;
end they advise them on whet schools ere look–
ing for on their applications.
Two trips that Phi Alpha Delta had this year
were a trip to a law forum and e trip to the
People's Court. The fraternity went
Los An–
geles for a weekend to the forum. Over 150 law
schools were there with information about
their schools. The fraternity went to the Peo–
ple's Court to see their fraternity brother,
Judge Wapner, in action.
he USD Psychology Club at–
tracts students who are inter–
ested in learning more about
human and animal behavior. Most
members are Psychology majors, but
all students are encouraged to join.
Members enjoyed lectures given by
prominent local psychologists and
tours offered by nearby mental health
facilities. The club offers the exper–
ience of its members to the student
body in out peer tutoring program.