The Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps
at USD
dedicated to the training and educa–
tion of future Naval officers. Students partici–
pating in the NROTC program carry full
course loads, participate in extracurricular
activities, and also give a lot of time to the
The students participate in many military
training exercises. They visit Naval bases,
tour Naval ships and airbases. They receive
hands on experience flight simulators and
other training equipment. Students spend
time participating in other activities with the
unit also.
This year the Battalion had an award win–
ning drill team. The team competed in the
SCIDM championships. Other teams from the
United States Airforce Academy, UCLA, Uni–
versity of Arizona, San Diego State AFROTC,
and many other competed. the USD drill team
earned first place in regulation drill, second
in exhibition drill, and first for best com–
mander, Midn 2/c Welch. The USD NROTC
team took the overall victory of the cham–
This year brought the arrival of a new
commanding officer of the USD unit, Unit
Captain Martin. The average grade point
average of the unit went up to a 3.1, and the
physical readiness scores also rose this year.
NROTC is an additional aspect to college
life for many enterprising students. The USD
unit improves with the passing of each year.
The program includes a variety of profession–
al, intramural and social activities designed
to stimulate
leadership and technical
Spending a day at the beach,
Battalion formation.
Inspecting a future marine with the help of
his parents, Randy and Anne Walker.
Kevin Gonzales and Matt
Sandberg show the kids
how it's done.