relatively new posi–
tion in the Associated
Students, Corporate
Relations brought a lot of sup–
port for programs this year.
Greg Weaver worked hard so
that the A.S. could establish
good relationships with busi–
nesses. He wanted to get spon–
sorships that would become
permanent with A.S. program–
ming as well as more mone–
tary sponsorships. Greg feels
that programs are getting big–
ger each year and so his job is
getting harder. "The bigger
the event, the more money
needed" as Greg has learned
during this year.
What made his job worth–
while? Well, Greg says that
the retreats were what really
made him enjoy his job the
most! That and hearing, "I
want money, money, money,
money ... !"
Marketing <:ommittee;
Michelle Boyance, Kelli Koenig, Rob Kim, Chelsea Ashworth, Dana <Jorlano, &b &rzych, Anne Poppe,
Tammy Otero, Jennifer Blandford, Shari Saltern; Middle: Paula Matteucci, Julie Cluff, //either Ca/one, Cale
Front:Gwen Braman,
Christi Hodges, Jennifer CasUe, Theresa Spencer,
<Josligar, Craig l)Jm/nl, Guy LeF•bvre)
he Marketing office
headed by Jennifer
Castle, dmector, and
Theresa S.{>~ncer, ~%,.!\!,Stant,
had an <0i'ganize Nmmittee
from the ~~I:(\~innini'-'l'hey
had f9q~ ij)ecific ~9'it's f~.this
Wo~ at'a g~i!ssional
' artmen'ir ~- ,M:filntain am.o–
t1vated staffwho enjoys com–
in~ into work on P!ojects and
is' jag~r to learn 4ew:advertis–
Provide our
taff with the information
ne d to give them exper-
for the advertising :
Improve the quality
of our work for major events
as well as series or onetime
What Jennifer and Theresa
liked most about their organi–
zation was working with their
staff and watching them cre–
ate amazing publicity. They
especially enjoyed the sparkle
in staff members eyes when
they completed a project.
The Marketing staff's quote
of the year was "Oh boy can
we brag!" Congratulations to
all of you on a job well done.
Greg Weaver, Director ofStudent Corporate Relatio
Jennifer Castle, Director of Marketing
Theresa Spencer, Assistant Director of Marketing