Alcalá 1990

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Amy, Anita, Chris and Susan under the watchful eye of their "Alphie Bears."

As the newest sorority on campus in 1989, Alpha Phi has jumped right in, and is excited and anxious to make its contributions and to start its own tradi– tions at USD. Alpha Phi was founded in 1872 at Syracuse, New York and has grown into a strong International so– rority. Alpha Phi was founded on the ideals of wom– anhood, scholarship and of service and to perpetuate her spirit of sisterly love and kindness. Alpha Phi celebrated its 17th birthday this year as Phi's from around the state came to celebrate together.

Alpha Phi's first year on campus was full of many exciting activities such as; Rushing and Initiating our very first Alpha pledge class! Our pledge and active retreats, the winter semi-formal and the tra– ditional Bordeaux Ball spring formal. Alpha Phis pride themselves with their involve– ment in their philanthropy, Cardiac Aid. San Diegos Children Hospital is our main focus for becoming involved with our philanthropy. Alpha Phi's are striving to continue their enthusi– asm and to build on the traditions and foundation set by the 1988 founding members in 1989.

Alpha Phi pledges enjoy Bid Day on Mission Beach.

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