Alcalá 1990
Jana Way making friends in Scotland.
Kathy Larson and Kris Reuba in Bath, Eng– land
Hoang Taing in London, England
"This was simply the great– est adventure I have taken part in. I had great expecta– tions when entering the pro– gram, out I never imagined Europe.'to be so awesome . .. and seeing it fir t so thrilling." Kris lleubn replied. so vividly when a , cd how did she like the program abroad. Studying abroad offers you the chance .to experience places you've always learned about. You're able r:,tf'learn
more about yourself as you be– come a part of new cultures. It gives you the opportunity to become more aware of the his– tn1 ·ignifi anc of world ' ent . Foreign s ud ' also allows you to learn i'llQre a-bout your own culture as you step out– side of it. The frlends.bips you form throughout ' ur r el 11 la~t~wlif~~ .as 1Aill !lJ:e memone -.
Lunch in Parisi!
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