Alcalá 1988

Volleyball Tournament

On October 18, 1987, Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity held the First Annual Inter-Sorority Volleyball Invitational. The Event was held on the sand courts in Ocean Beach, and was at– tended by sororities from the campuses of USO, UCSD, and SDSU. According to event chairman, John Pentelei-Molnar, "This was the first time that anything of this nature had been done to bring the three Greek systems together for some fun and competition. And I believe that we were successful in doing so." The event was somewhat hampered by poor weather, but it did little to dampen the spirits of the ten sorority teams that staged a hard fought battle for the right to take home the laurels of victory. Ultimately, it was the team of Pi Beta Phi Sorority from UCSD who • emerged victorious. In addition to receiving a large trophy, each team member received a complete outfit provided generously by SPANKERS Beachwear. The tournament also received generous support from Coca-Cola and TOGO's.


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