Alcalá 1988

Center: Caroline Cook is still able to smile after studying ac– counting. Above: Missions Phase A seen across from Tecolote canyon. Left: A quick study break.

After residing one year up on laundromat, a chapel, a study campus, I was not sure what to ex- lounge, a snack bar and a general pect when I moved into the Missions meeting place for everyone. In fact, and became part of life down in the the highlight of most students' day valley. Living in the valley literally is when they pass the entrance to has its ups and downs. The only way Crossroads and see the plastic red out of the valley is up and the only flag hanging from the light pole, way back to the valley is down. Life symbolizing the arrival of mail. But in the valley consists of endless late the excitement quickly subsides as night parties and for some the they find themselves looking down neverending search for aquiet place an empty, endless gray tunnel: their to study in the ever-so-popular Mis- mailbox. From there, disappointed sion Crossroads. Mission Cross- students return to their rooms only roads is a multi-purpose facility. Not to find a water bill stuck in their door only is it "the center" of the valley, along with countless pizza adver– but it functions as a post office, a tisements.


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