Alcalá 1988

M.B.A.C. The Mission Bay Aquatics After they 'graduate' from the Center is the perfect getaway MBAC, the students are able to for USD students. They offer ac- use any and all the equipment tivities such as: windsurfing, they choose for a discount. sailing, surfing, keelboat cruis- Throughout the year, USO holds ing relays, rowing, waterskling, special events at the bay. Fresh– surf kayaking, and canoeing. man are introduced to it during USO students can take any of orientation and can't wait to go these activities and earn .5 units. back. Below: The Mission Bay Aquatic Center is a place for students who enjoy water sports to release some stress caused by studying. Below right: Windsurfing, sailing, and surfing students gather to stretch and get their final instructions.

Above: At the end of the day those surfers who have mastered the waves try their skills in open water. Right: Another future windsurfing champion in the making.


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