Alcalá 1988

Phi Kappa Theta

DARING TO BE DIFFERENT Entering It's 27th year et U.S.D., Phi Kappe Theta continued It's dedication to the morel end splr– ltuel development of Its mem– bers vie e strong sense of broth– erhood. Throughout its history, Phi Kappe Theta hes guided end supported U.S.D. through • vari– ety of activities. This year was particularly succeHful In that It mertced the aucceH of many events, both new end old. The first semester sew en Orienta– tion Teem full of Phi Kapa who did their beat to make the new students welcome. This was fol– lowed by the resounding suc– cess of a new event In Sen Die– go, that being the First Annual Phi Kappe Theta lntersororlty Beach Volleyball lnvitetlonal. Sorority teems from the Sen Die– go area came together for the first time to do battle on the aend courts et Ocean Beech. The event proved to be highly com– petitive, enjoyable, and we are looking forward to the Second Annual Invitational next year. November continued the Phi Kap winning streak•• we proud· ly sponsored this year'• Home– coming Queen, Francis Coed. We are not only proud to have sponsored such en outstanding individual •• Francia, but we wish her the beat in the future. The Phi Kapa have had e strong involvement in the peat end will continue to do so in the future. We wish everyone In the U.S.D. community the best in the coming years ea we eagerly look forward to challenges and suc– cess in the coming years.

118 Orgarizattons

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