Alcalá 1987
TENNIS The women's tennis team has come a long waythe pasttwo yearsunder head coach Sherri Stephens. Improving their record from4-26 to 13-12, coachStep hens hoped for an even better season this year. Tennis is a Division I sport at USD, so competitors include nationally top-ranked teams such as UCLA, CAL, SDSU, Arizona and Arizona State. "We have comea long way in two years and we don't have far togo to bea conten der for a national ranking,"Coach Step hens observed. Team members included juniors Laura Gonzalez,Jennifer Larking,Conni Campbell and Annie Pinjuv; sopho more Jill Allen, Jill Greenwood, Kelley Jewell, Nicole LaChiusa and Sarah Smith. Freshmen Aby Brayton, Donna Clooney and Christy Drage completed the team.
Athletics 163
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