Alcalá 1986

Paul Briggs - ec. of Student rganizations

The Inter-Club Council or ICC is the responsibility of the Secretary of Student Organizations, to chair and repre enc the clubs interests to the A B. But what doe this entail? The answer is simple: M-E-E-T-1- -G-S. 'The ICC Chairman's week starts off at ICC on Monday, Program Board on Tue day, Budget Comminee & Executive Board on Tuesday night, and Senate on Thursday. A fun filled week to be ure. Things ran very smoothly this year with virtually all club proposals passing smoothly through what appears to outsides as the ASB bureaucracy. Club expanded again chis year to grow from some 30 to 40 student organizations by the years end. Organizations range from fraternities and sororities co Water and no ski clubs, to the French, German and Spanish Clubs. Annual events included the Internacional Buffet, the Posada, Mardi Gras, Greek parties, bake sales and a myriad of other type of events. Also, with the advent of the Johnny Mac Fan Club, a club for the SD' clubless, there was truly a club for all tudems. The much rumored "Citizen's Against Johnny Mac" was never formed. Alas, some things are not meant to be. verall, it was a year of consi tency and growth for tudent organizations at USO. Special thanks are in order of Renda Aladray, ICC Vice-Chair, and C lien West, probably the best ecretary ICC has ever had.



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