A C ' .J.
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I he ,\ B o ral ( ommrtrtt hope, l !) rt:munhu, tht Jail 19 "> tHnt that \\rt t·llJ<>\Jhk and memorable:. In tp cmh r to get t\tr one Ill the trut' '\unn\ .m Diego I mt." \H' hdd our, nnu.il luau at !\1.rrma Point. \\ h,k Ir tcnmg to thl' tropical d.rnct mu,rt of Borracho \ I oco, c,enonc gorgtd on tht· lu,crou, II.1,\a11an fea,r ()(. tober hr u,chr a u.1l1z1n_i: opponunir to rht· ·21 · .ind mu ro\\d .1r l 'D b\ h:I\ me our hr r :an Di1c.co l.rghr, Crn,,t·. \\ ondcrful hor do u, rt • drink . and .1 DJ pl,1vmg favorite Im , cnhanc d th, clorrom mclu on tl,t ,'an Drq:o BJ\ Tht· o r. lgac runt of the Imp l,1, • nJ tlit upht~! runt:, of , !illtnium \Hrt part ol tht l!rt,lt ucu. of the 19S5 I Iomt– , "1111111! Hall lht H.1II. ,\ . '.l!ht <>f '.\"mr.1lg1a · "·'' hdd n,t:mhcr 9, at tlw llottl lnttrtCial (, ,111m1tttt t tend thur thank to all who atrt·ndtd and part1c1p.1tl'd III tht t:\t:nt