Alcalá 1986
SIGMA Pl'S HALLOWEEN IV The origin of Ha\\oween can be traced to the an· cient cultures of the British \s\cs. Druids, a centuries o\d order of British priests. be\ieved that spirits, fairies. wi,che>, ,nd ""' """ ou< m tu,rn p«>ple on !bl· \oween night. The early peop\es of continenta\ Europe had a festiva\ similar to the Druids at the end of the summer season. \n the 7c:,:)'s the Roman Catho\ic Church named No«rnb<< l ,s Ml S,in<'> D•Y· Th< culmin, USD a\so has a Halloween tradition. it's ca\\ed the een. Halloween Bash and this year it was sp0nsored by Sigma Pi fraternity . Halloween Bash \V took p\ace on Nov. l at the El Cortes Convention Center in downtown an Diego. Ne,dy t000 MUd«'" shed 38 Halloween
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