Alcalá 1986
WELCOME TO THE CLUB! Orientation is one of the larger and most special events on our campus. lt is the old welcoming in the new. It is a time r-----' fm beginning ,g,in, ""bhshing r,;,ndships, \e,,ning, ,nd having fun. The Orientation Program has become a tradition .----- . and is one that inv~)lves the entire llSD community. Most do not realize all the time. effort, and preparation ,h>< go<> in«> ,his w«k-long ,,,n, which "k" p\"' ,he first week in September. The work actually begins in Febru– •"I· This is when ,he s,uden< Aff,i,s office ,onou•'" ,h>< they will be accepting applications for the orientation team. The response of the entire student body is incredible. Over three times as many applications are submitted than the number of places available. Tom Cosgrove, the Assistant Dean of Students and the Director of the Orientation Pro· •"'"' pn,c«ds '° pick ,he ,h,i
" ,nd
VU. Have fun 1 ! During orie tation there is never a du\\ moment. There arc activities going on constantly. The week tarted off with a ,qu•« d,n« ,h« cv«yon< mo"d in ,nd had • Mee< Yo"' Team l,cader Dinner. On Tuesday. students cook the math placement exams in ,he mo,ning ,nd ,hen wen< up m ,he Sp<><" Ccn«< fo< SI!'"' l}•j. In ,he cvcning ,h,y h,d , M«io• Dinn« wi,h ,h, p<<«P'°''· ,nd ,hen \,<« ,h«< w» 'A 'igh< " S« World." The park was open exclusively for t'SD and there were shows. exhibits and a dance in the pavi\\ion. Wedncsdil)' the students could choose to go on a tour ol Jn Diego on ii double decker bus and/or go to the Mission U•Y Aq"''" Ccn<« (MBACl m \e,
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