Alcalá 1986
USD is proud of its men's tenni program. Twice the team won NCAA Division II tides. In 1979 the team finished second and in 1980 the program moved up to Division I. This winning tradition was started by Andrew Rae, a native of Melbourne, Australia. who won NCAA Division II singles and double tides m 1974 and 1975. In 1978 U D's Rick Goldberg and Par Svensson won the NCAA II Doubles Champion– ship. From 1980 through 1982 the netter were regular– ly ranked in the nation's top 20. In 1980 and 1981 the Toreros won Ojai team titles. During that time the team was led by Scott Lipton, Terry Ward, and Peter Herrmann. The Toreros compete at the nation's highe t level of intercollegiate play. In addition. many of the country' better teams travel to San Diego tO play during the Spring break. The 1985 USD men 's team looked good - on paper the Toreros appeared to be fielding their strongest team in recent years. "We had a nice balance of experienc<: and youth," said Coach Ed Collin . "It looked like we'd be stronger at every position."
Four of last year' top players returned . Leading that group wa Jim McNamee, a sopho– more from Seattle. Wa hmgton, who held down the #I position in 1984.Junior Alejandro Ramo , senior Ma ris Luter and con Patridge also played. Also returning from the '84 quad, and compet – ing for pots in the cop 6 were sophomore Amado Yane7, Robert Hous el , and cnior Doug Bradley, who conmbuted greatly in double la t year. The Torero's '85 ro ter included 7 freshmen. Among tho c Ii ted were Chris mith, Rick Mathe on, Curtis Dadian and Patrik undh. The '85 Toreros had better depth which was needed to undertake aver} rigorous schedule. They played 10 of last year's top- 20 team · m dual match. e and tournaments. In addition to 'CAA Champ UCLA and Run– nerup tan ford , the Toreros matched up with Pep – perdine, l ' C, Cal Berkeley. Cal Irvine, Long Beach t., Yale, Oklahoma, ew Mexico, among others. The netters plaved in ~ of the best intercollegiate tournament in the country: The Corpus Christi Collegiate Team Championships, the Irvine/Mar – riott Tournament and the an Diego Intcrcolle- . giate .
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