Alcalá 1986

It is the people which make a team special. They dedicate their time and effort to train for an event which is approximately 2000 meters and 7 minute long. The training consists of both in boat and on land workouts. The land training includes running, weight-training, and the ever-favorite climbing the bleacher stairs. This training builds the power and endurance which are needed on the water. Crew members also spend time on an egometer, a sta– tionary rowing machine, which helps them with technique and timing.

There were two pre-season meet in the fall


semester in which our l SD teams competed . the Head and Harbor at an Pedro and the Chri tmas Regatta at Long Beach. The regular eason wa in the prmg seme ter between March and May. Over the pa t few years the crew team here at D have shown much improvement. The an Diego Crew Clas ic i the bigge t crew regatta in the nation. This year it wa held on April 5 and drew uch opponents as Princeton, Harvard, Orange Coa t College, Cal Berkeley and tanford. The trophies received by the winners were the hirt off their opponent · back a the tradition was carried on.

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