Alcalá 1985


hri Richard

stud nt bodv t h

ompan) of

tud nt , and • tud n t uppo rt and oop rat10n


n h m 1 hi ~-<'ar ·1. ,\, H Hull1 •n I in· tor J\.t• learn ·d boul m ny thin!( : how to pion •-. •nts, hm In fill out form.. form. and mor(• lnrm . ho\\ to act fo. hinn11llv hor d und unint r . t d at I rogram Board m ling.. hm tn o inliz with th<' "big~ i1ts" in 'tucl(•nt \flair . ho lo h ·t·om • "1nvolv d and th r fore I\\ y "up tt" \\Ith th politi ol D. hm to sit around in th "oflic .. \. 11 om hody rt>,tll~· import nl i oing lo n1ll th Dir ctor - Ha! But m1 t ol II. I finallv I orn cl win l'\N\'hod, in the \ .'H i d rnentl·d, d ran rd. and ,th\n,·. · ,Ill al oholi • Th r a 111 lor th1 1. ,-impl . Tlw. 1wople ha-. no time for a normal ocinl lif•! Fir,-t of nil. tht1r \\ork i. m•,(•r d, nc: - thl•n•' 11'1H11 ~ load. nl hom work to c llch up on f rnm \\'!! h past. nd. oh y•, tho. thing. call·cl "cln 1•,-" \\hich they k•t•p avinK they·r gninl{ to l{o In n • t \H•<>k'? \\ II mavht• durini: linnl Tlwv. thC'rcfon. I arn to drink h · r ,II n· ular int rv,11. . I h1,- ,.. lll'r all, th· onl~ Jogicul th111g to do wh •non i. in th \, B, ,mcl i lhu. "pr -d timd" to h1 long In on ot :i cate;or·


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